Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blended family, shared space!

Gary is going through a period where he is again confused about where we live and he thinks we are visiting the home we have lived in for four months.  Our daughter Heather and her three year old son moved in with us a little over a week ago and I think the new energies and shared space has confused him. 

It is not a disturbing confusion for him, but certainly not clarity.  We have separate "living" areas so both families can watch independent television and have separate activities or be together if we wish.  When we are separate, he seems more at ease and I believe he will adjust soon.  The only barrier to clarity sooner is that he and I are going to Yosemite at the end of the week for a few much-needed get away days.  (Well, I need them!) This trip may confuse him more, but Yosemite has such a healing nature!

We all went to church this morning.  I love watching Gary worship and sing.  He is more like his old self then.  I somehow sense that when he is that close to God that the broken brain doesn't matter so much.  He knows he is worshipping and the Lord knows he is loving him.  Its a precious time!

My patience with him has been shorter than normal lately.  Could be the changes at work, changes at home or Heaven forbid, hormones!  When Gary gets on my nerves, I try so hard to stay calm and let the tension go.  While attempting to pack this afternoon, he got very overwhelmed and started asking 40,000 questions.  I could not answer them quick enough nor satisfy his need to know the intricacies of the smallest detail of hiking boots, poles and luggage.  I was in the closet and he was lying on the bed....apparently we were quite loud as I heard Heather come in the bedroom to soothe the situation.  She suggested he go and sit in the massage chair.  It diffused the whole nervous, aggravating situation. 

I believe for so many reasons, this will work out! Thank you, our precious daughter, for changing your life for us. 

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